Schools – Pay later on new equipment orders

If budgets are tight and you are waiting for the new financial year to kick in we can help you to get the kit you need right now by deferring the first payment on a finance lease. Local Authority Schools, and Academies, can take on new equipment in January and February, then make their first payment in April/September 25.

Some recent cases include:

  • A 3-year lease for a local authority school. The first payment is deferred for three months until budgets are available.
  • A 3-year lease with a three-month deferral for an Academy Trust meant that the equipment could be delivered and installed in June, but payments didn’t start until their new financial year in September.
  • A 2-year lease with a two-month deferral. This was to coincide with the termination of an old lease agreement.

In a nutshell, we will tailor the leases to help keep up to date with your ICT (or any other assets you want to finance) and ensure that the rentals fit in with your requirements

Just ring us on 01269 844442 and we can help you on the first call.

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